Why FrameForge Pro?
PRO Only Features |
Features | Core | Professional |
Physical Cameras & Industry Standard Grip Equipment lets you plan your shoot down to the last dolly track and tripod. And the equipment "knows" how they all work together so that putting a head on a jib arm is as easy as dragging them together | • |
Multiple Camera Types on Set allow you to have several different types of camera (HD, Super 16, etc.) all on the set at the same time |
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Focal Primes allows you to limit any camera on set to any set of Prime Lenses, supplying quite a number of pre-built standard prime sets with the capability to define your own... each different cameras can have different prime sets |
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Camera Equipment Collision Detection in addition to being able to see if your camera equipment will fit in any given place, the collision warnings alert you when cameras, jibs or dollies collide with any object on the set | • |
Auto-Generated Equipment Reports can list all the physical camera equipment you have on the set for each shot. | • |
Auto-Snap Dolly Tracks with automatic Dolly Tracking lets you simply drag a dolly onto tracks and it will take care of following them automatically. | • |
Multiple Light Sources that combine in both intensity and color as per real lights with individual control of each light's color, brightness, and angle of spread |
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Lighting Instruments including Physical Production Instruments, Floating Virtual Lights (both omni-directional and spotlights) along with a variety of Practical Lights including lamps, flames, car headlights and more |
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Central Lighting Mixer gives you full control of all you lighting in one place, letting you change the brightness, color, shadow hardness and angle of spread of any individual light. |
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Real-Time Overlapping Shadows from multiple light sources |
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Intelligent Tweening Checks will prevent you from tweening specific equipment in ways that cannot be performed on set, such as tweening a crane shot when the camera's on a tripod. | • |
Ground Glass & Ground Glass Designer allows you to work as if you were literally looking through your camera with the option to print the ground glass if desired | • |
Built-In World Map of Longitude & Latitudes with automatic Daylight Savings Time Calculations for over 41,000 cities worldwide allows you to place your set at the geographic location where you'll be shooting and have the sun track automatically. | • |
Auto-calculation of the Sun's Position based on the location of your shoot anywhere in the world, and your specified date & time including reports of Sunrise, Midday & Sunset times for any location at any date | • |
Fog/Air Transparency allows you to control the look of the air on the set including the fog's thickness, its accumulation, height and color |
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Storyboard & Shooting Frame Orders -- because films aren't shot in script/storyboard order, you can now create a "parallel" shooting order that contains only those shots you want it to, and which coexists with your storyboard order -- and when you print or export you can choose which of the two orders you want to use |
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Full Screen Workspace on Second Monitor if you have two monitors, you can have one of them show the live, full screen fully manipulatable frame view without any controls other than slide-in camera controls as needed |
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Live Green Screen Compositing using either another virtual camera as a source or using a backdrop or composited background, including automatic optional foreground / source camera synching and visual background calibration |
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Depth of Field Rendering using optically accurate circle of confusion rather than the common (but inaccurate) parallax blurring method |
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True Mirrored Reflections let you setup shots with mirrors using their actual reflections |
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Can add on Award-Winning Stereo 3D Functionality |
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