Oh, crap, I accidentally exited without saving my file.

We've all been there. Our fingers are working faster than our brains and a prompt comes up and says do you want to save your file and the moment you press NO, you realize that wasn't what you meant at all.

There goes the whole day's work, down the drain with the stroke of a single key... except not in FrameForge!

While constructing our Previs Studio we thought of this exact scenario and added in a "Just In Case" feature.

This feature is accessible via just a few easy steps:

If you are using a Mac OS instructions are below.

All you have to do if you are using a recent version of macOS (10.15 or later) is go to Finder, pull down the Go menu, select Go to Folder, and type or paste:

~/Library/Application Support/FrameForge/Just-in-Case Files

If you are using an older version of macOS (10.14 or earlier), look for a subfolder named Just-in-Case Files within your Documents folder.

Look for a file with the same document name but the extension .prj .  Open it in FrameForge, and after verifying that it contains the data you were hoping for, save it in a different location.

If you are using a Windows OS instructions are below.

Go to the 'File' menu and select 'open.' - From the popup menu select the "Just-In Case Files" sub-folder.

A list of backup-backup files will be displayed with the extension '.s3j'. Pick your file from the list and Click the [Open] button.

There - You've been saved. Hallelujah! Remember to re-save your file in a different location afterwards.

Follow those steps and you should be smiling in no time! If you are still having trouble, or have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us at FrameForge Support.

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