My actor needs a Tattoo or a Scar, or some logo on a piece of clothing...
Question: I was wondering if it were possible to customize an actor with a tattoo or scar? If so how would I do this?
Answer: Not only is it possible, but it's actually easy!
- Double click your actor or object to open it in the Green Room,
- Click the Colors, Textures & State tab.
- Select the part onto which you want to apply the decal.
- Click Apply/Edit Decals Button and in the dialog that appears, click [Choose Decal].
- Select the image you want to apply as a Decal in the open dialog and click [OK].
- The decal is applied to the "base texture " image displayed in the Decal dialog. Drag the decal with your mouse, and then resizing buttons on the image and/or the Rotate Selected Decal slider to position the decal the way you want it.
- If desired, drag the transparency slider to adjust the transparency of the decal.
- When satisfied, click Apply.